Saturday 12 December 2009

Jesus is Wonderful (continued)

After I prayed the prayers below and worshipped....I continued in worship of Jesus as Wonderful.....

It came to a point where my spirit so fully behold Him as wonderfully that I was crying and crying, so deeply touched, so profoundly impacted, by the revelation and spiritual sight, of how Wonderful Jesus is....

I started seeing Him as Wonderful in His faithfullness, and wonderfully faithful. Wonderful in His gentleness and wonderfully gentle. Wonderful in His Wisdom and wonderfully wise. Perfectly Wonderful and wonderfully perfect. Wonderful in His love and the way He loves, and wonderfully loving. Wonderful in His kindness and wonderfully kind. Wonderful in His Might and wonderfully mightly. Wonderful in His provision and a Wonderful Provider. Wonderful in His generosity and Wonderfully generous. Wonderful in His goodness and wonderfully Good. Wonderful in His magnificence and wonderfully magnificent. Eternally wonderful. Beautifully wonderful. Purely Wonderful. Perfectly wonderful. Wonderful in His Sweetness. Amasingly Wonderful.

I wanted to sing a song for Jesus as Wonderful...a new song....

My prayer to Jesus was...

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that the house I stay in, the clothes I wear, the way I think, the emotions I feel, the things I do, the relationships I have, the words I speak, the life I live, the way I treat people, the work I a representitive of You I live, let it all reveal You, as Wonderful. I asked for everything in my life that does not yet reveal Jesus as Wonderful, that it will be brought in line, so Jesus could be greatly glorified as Wonderful in my life.

That was my prayer. I believe, therefore I receive it and have received it. It is being established in my life as I speak. For the purpose of my existance is to glorify Jesus. And if my life and everything about me, does not "echo" out, Jesus is wonderful!, then changes needs to be brought about, so that my life can come in line, with God"s order, and as I agree with God, and by faith receive, it is accomplished, for this is as perfect the will of God as anything can be, that Jesus will be glorified in my life, there could be absolutely no doubt about that. So it is not an issue, it is granted. Whatever I ask in Jesus name, will be given to me, and I have asked this, as representing Jesus, for the praise of my God. And it is given. And will manifest.

Soon my house will now come in line with what is granted in the heavenlies today, and proclaim "Jesus is wonderful", and my finances will proclaim "Jesus is wonderful", the condition of my heart and innermost being will proclaim "Jesus is wonderful" and my thought processes will reveal that "Jesus is wonderful". My relationships with people will reveal Jesus as Wonderful, and my calling and work will reveal Jesus as Wonderful. Everything about me, will radiate, as a light shining in the darkness, that Jesus is Wonderful. It will come through every cell in my body, like light engulfing me, bursting forth from me, "Jesus is Wonderful" and it will become impossible for any person to have dealings with me, and not walk away, in awe of how Wonderful Jesus is.

That I believe for. That I receive. That I expect. That I know the Father also wants and has granted me. And that I know is and will be by grace, pure grace and grace alone.

Dear Reader, my life will never be the same. How could it be? How could any person get a revelation of Jesus as Wonderful and remain unaltered, unchanged. That can never be. For as we see Him, we are transformed from one degree of glory to another, so the Bible teach. And I am being trandformed from glory to glory, from one level of glory, to a next, and the glory of Jesus, how Wonderful He is, is revealed through the Holy Spirit, unto me, and will now through me also, be revealed to others.

It is so. Amen. Agape.

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