Saturday 12 December 2009

His name is Wonderful

I have entered into the throne room of God by faith through the blood of Jesus, who tore the veil.
Jesus removed all seperation with God by His blood.
This is the expression of perfect love.

At the throne room Jesus sits now, Highly exalted, on the throne. He is radiating the Glory of God, which is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is like a river, in which we can swim, from which we can drink, to satisfy our deepest thirst.

He is also in me.

I enter into the throneroom believing....
I believe that the Holy Spirit has come to reveal to us Jesus, who He is. And I believe also that the Holy Spirit is my Guide and my Teacher and my Councellor.

Today I get still and I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to me Jesus as wonderful.

I believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

I come diligently seeking for a revelation of Jesus as wonderful, as only the Holy Spirit can bring me.

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...his name shall be called Wonderful" Is 9:6

The word Wonder-ful, is to be full of wonder.
My expectation is that as the Holy Spirit reveals to me Jesus as Wonderful, that not only my spirit will be filled with wonder and adoration of Jesus, but that my emotions will be full of wonder, that my mind and thoughts will be full of wonder, that my every cell in my body will be full of wonder. That I as a total being will be filled and totally saturated with wonder and amazement of who Jesus is.

I know I can receive this experience because it comes not by deservingness, but it comes by faith, and I believe, so I can receive it.

I choose to soften my heart by pondering on the concept of Jesus being wonderful and focussing my attention on Jesus as wonderful.

I want to worship Jesus as Wonderful, but not from a clinical analytical and doctrinal perspective, but from an intimate knowledge and revelation of Him being Wonderful. In spirit and in Truth.
In order to do that I need help.
The Holy Spirit is my helper.
Without Him I can get no revelation and I can not worship.

So I turn to my Helper to help me.

I ask You, Holy Spirit, if there is something else I need to pray, or ask, or align in my life in order to access the fullness of this I am desiring for, that You will show me and guide me.

I come in utter dependancy, with a passionate desire and longing, and a choice, and a love for God, that wants to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Isaiah 9 lists some names Jesus will be called. Wonderful is the first name. I suppose before we can start calling Him on the other names, it would be more rich if we start with the first one. Wonderful.
There is a reason why it is listed first.

To be full of wonder and amazement and delight at Jesus.

I think myself of something that will be truly wonderful earth-wise.
I think.....if I meet a man, whom God gives me as my husband, I see this handsome, strong, deep, delightful man before me that connects with me deeply and loves me too bits from his heart and romances me and respect and esteem me and holds me, hold my hand, cuddle with me, say sweet and beautiful things in my ear, totally accept me, and totally delight in me also.....I see that...and I think that will be wonderful. Really really wonderful. I can almost drink it in and imagine how wonderful that would be.
And yet, then Jesus is exponentially more delightful and wonderful.
For that is an earthly relationship and earthly love and a shadow.
And Jesus is the ultimate of Wonderful.
He is called "my exceedingly great reward", "my portion", in the bible.

I want to know more about that, but even more so, I want to experience Jesus as wonderful.

As I ponder on Jesus, Wonderful, I trust that that means I am beholding Jesus, focussing on Him.
And that the Holy Spirit is bringing about the necessary changes in my spirit, mindsets, emotions and even physical body, so I can in totality experience and know Him as Wonderful.
Holy Spirit, if there is something more to this, or something I am misunderstanding, then please show me, I can do nothing without you.

So now I believe, I trust, I positioned myself to receive, I am yielded to God, I am ready and expectant.

I now believe that my prayer has been granted.

I also had the thought just coming up that the Holy Spirit will work circumstances and situations in my life through which He will reveal this to me now.
I therefore now rest in that, heaven has moved, and I am being served with the revelation of Jesus as Wonderful.
I also trust in God's wisdom and perfect timing in working this.
It could take seconds, minutes, hours or weeks, months, long as it pleases bring about this revelation.
But I know it has shifted in the heavens, it has been granted, and as it is in heaven, it will manifest in my life.

My expectation is to come back to this particular blog, with testimonies and wow things, to report back, as to this revelation, which I received by faith today, but is yet to be manifested in the material realm.

I now thank you Holy Spirit for being so gracious to me.
And I praise you Jesus for being Wonderful.
And I look forward Jesus, to come back soon, with a heart filled with wonder, worshipping You in Spirit and Truth, as the One who is Truly Wonderful.


You are awesome God.

Thank you for Your Wonderful grace


The thought just crossed my mind (and I share these thoughts, for I allow for the option that they may be dropped in my spirit by God).
The thought is, that although I will receive experiences, that I should ponder now on where He is wonderful and had already been revealed to me as being wonderful, and worship Jesus for that. And like the little boy with his lunch, the 5 bread pieces and 2 fishes, who brought that to Jesus, in trust, knowing it was not enough, yet trusting Him, I should bring to Jesus, worship of what I do have, and He will increase, for He sees my desire to worship Him in Truth.

Ok. Holy Spirit please help me, and remind me. Amen.

I think back today at an article I read today. It is about creation. It is about how big God is...that He created from nothing, and how the scientists can't find any explanations for how things could just have started, something must have moved it...even if there was a big bang, then how was that activated.
I think of that and I say, Jesus you are wonderful.
You are the Wonderful creator. You brought about all life and all life forms that we see around us.
You made all perfectly and with perfect love.
And also when I think of quantum physics and the enormous field we humans can hardly begin to comprehend, the working of the human eye, the honeybee that makes honey from nectar, the little lamb that is so gentle, it can be lead to a slaughter house and will not even protest...I have to say, Jesus you are Wonderful.

And then when I think of the kind of Shepherd that you are. The One that lays down His life for His sheep. The one that keeps guard over them and deliver and shield them from the wolves. I worship you Jesus. You are wonderful! Truly wonderful!

And then when I think of this gospel, how in Your wisdom, it is kept from learned worldly wise men, and opened up to babes, to whomever you chose, I say, Father, You are wonderful! Your ways amazes me!

And when I think of how you conceil shadows and mysteries in your word. And open it to whom You like, when You Like, I am amazed again. You are Wonderful.

You are NOT predictable, boring, small and narrow, contained within human molds...No, You are exciting, moving, vibrant, energetic, LIFE, full of surprises, more than amazing. You are wonderful, Jesus, and I worship You.

Then when I think of how you are NOT religious. How in wisdom you opposed the Pharisees of those days and the Pharisee spirit of this day, I am delighted, You are indeed Wonderful, and a delight to be with. No wonder the tax collectors and prostitutes loved to hang out with You. You didn't condem then and made them feel unworthy and like failures. Your presence were like healing balm to their wounded hearts. Jesus, You are Wonderful!


And when I think about how You brought this woman over my path seconds after I prayed to you for deeper understanding. And when I think how you used her to guide me towards coming back to meditation on Your names as a portal to enter deeper, I thank you Jesus. You are indeed Wonderful. You are faithful. Seeing. Noticing. You are wonderful.

And when I think of Your wisdom..not only in how you made the worlds and all that exists, but how you work so uniquely with each person, so you worked with this woman to bring her to You and how you are working with Phillip...and how You journeyed with patiently, carrying us, always loving, gently pulling us towards you, never cutting off our freedom, but showing is the way, so lovingly, so wisely, so involved, Jesus, You are wonderful!

And when I notice these emotions that is welling up inside of me. Emotions of explosiveness, of connection, and even tears, as my spirit is beholding things, I feel like a knob in my throat, Jesus, You are Wonderful.

And when I think of the road me and You have travelled together. How you always were with me, through so many storms, and dry places...You are Wonderful Jesus.

I am starting to see You clearer and clearer as Wonderful.....

Let me continue in quietness of spirit, to worship You Jesus, You are Wonderful.....You are Wonderful...I delight in You.......I love You Jesus.....Wonderful Jesus......

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